Research Criminology
Grendon Tales: stories from a therapeutic prison community by Ursula Smartt. Waterside Press (2001) Grendon Tales: Summary
Single authored by Ursula Smartt
Ursula Smartt (2010) ‘Crime and Punishment in the Turks and Caicos Islands’. In: Janet P. Stamatel and Hung-En Sung (Vol. Eds); Graeme R. Newman (Ed.) Crime and Punishment Around the World. The Americas, Vol. 2, pp. 322 – 328. Santa Barbara, CA/ Denver, Colorado/ USA; Oxford/UK: ABC-CLIO, LLC – Greenwood Press. Hard cover: ISBN: 978-0313-35134-4. Paper: ISBN 978-0-313-35137-2; e-book ISBN: 978-0-313-35138-9; EISBN: 978-0-313-35134-1. Crime and Punishment in the Turks & Caicos Island U Smartt
____ (2010) ‘Criminal actions – copyright in the digital age.’ Criminal Law & Justice Weekly (CLJW), 174 (42), 645 – 647. ISSN 1759-7943. Copyright in the digital age (Portsmouth Law School) U Smartt
____ (2009) Law for Criminologists. Foreword by Baroness Lady Helena Kennedy QC. Sage. London/ New York. ISBN Cloth: 978-1-4129-4569-1; Paper: 978-1-4129-4570-7. Law for Criminologists U Smartt
_____ (2009) ‘Euthanasia and the Law: What is the law on assisted dying in Britain and other countries?’ Weekly Law Review Law Reports. Council of Law Reporting. 31st Ed. May 2009. pp. 5-13.
_____ (2009) ‘Euthanasia and the Law: What is the law on assisted suicide in Britain and other countries?’ In: Criminal Law & Justice Weekly. 173 (7)101 – 103. ISSN 1759-7943.
_____ (2008) ‘Crime and Punishment in the Turks and Caicos Islands’. Criminal Law & Justice Weekly. 172 (1), 200 – 203. ISSN 1759-7943.
_____ (2007) ‘Prison World - Latvian Prison Labour’. Prison Service News, London. HM Prison Service, pp. 34-36.
_____ (2007) ‘Home is where the heart is. Research findings from Germany and England related to domestic violence’. Justice of the Peace Journal, 171.
Ursula Smartt (2006) Criminal Justice. Sage Publications. London/New York/ Delhi. ISBN Cloth: 9781412907064. Paper: 9781412907071. Criminal Justice (Sage) U Smartt
_____ (2006) ‘A visit to Latvian Prisons.’ Justice of the Peace Journal, 170, 810-813.
_____ (2006) ‘Honour Killings’. Justice of the Peace Journal, 170, 4 – 7. Honour Killings U Smartt
_____ (2004) ‘What works in prison industries? A comparative look at European programmes’. Prison Service Journal, Sept 2004, 155, 9-13.
_____ (2004) ‘Prison work in Europe’. Howard League Magazine. July 2004. (3), 20.
_____ (2003) ‘Human Trafficking: simply a European problem?’ European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Vol 11 (2), 164-178, Kluwer International. Human Trafficking (Brill) U Smartt
______ (2001) Grendon Tales: Stories from a therapeutic community. Foreword by Lord Avebury. Waterside Press. ISBN 187287096 1. Grendon Tales Waterside Press
____ (2001/02) ‘The stalking phenomenon: trends in European and international stalking and harassment legislation’. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. Vol 9/3, 2001/02: 209 – 232. Kluwer Law International. The stalking phenomenon (HeinOnline) U Smartt
_____ (2000) ‘Her Majesty’s Prisons of the Dependent Territories in the Caribbean [Parts I, II & III]’. Prison Service Journal, November 1999, No 126: 20 - 26; January 2000, No. 127: 33 – 38; February 2000, No. 128.
_____ (1999) ‘Constitutionalism in the British Overseas Territories’. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Vol 3, June 1999: 300 - 314. Kluwer Law International. Turks & Caicos Islands Constitutionalism U Smartt
_____ (1999) ‘The House of Correction in Bruchsal. A copy of Pentonville Prison.’ International Jubilee Edition. Prison Service Journal, February 1999: 27-33.
_____ (1996) ‘The German Prison System’. In: American Jail Journal, in two volumes, February and June issues, 1996. USA.
Joint publications and book chapters
Smartt, U. and Hadarca, S. (2021) Economic activities in the penitentiary system of the Republic of Moldova: next steps for correctional industries. Project funding by the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Swiss Agency for the Development and Cooperation (SDC) Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft. Presented to the Government of the Republic of Moldova on 10 December 2020. Moldova Prison Labour Report Smartt & Hadarca
Kury, H. and Smartt, U. (2006) ‘Domestic violence: recent developments in German and English legislation and law enforcement.’ European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Volume 14, Number 4, 2006, pp. 382-407(26), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/ Brill, The Hague, Netherlands. ISSN 0928-9569, Online ISSN: 1571-8174:
Smartt, U. and Ellis, P. (2005) ‘Closing a Crack House’. Justice of the Peace, 169 (3) 33 – 34.
Smartt, U. and Vagg, J. (2004) ‘What Works in Prison Industries? An Update.’ Prison Service Journal, No 154, July 2004, pp. 31 – 36.
Kury, H. and ____ (2003) ‘Attitudes to Punishment: International Comparisons’. In: A. Manganas, Essays in Honour of Alice Yotopoulos – Marangopoulos. Panteion University Press. Vol. A, pp. 721- 749
_____, Kury, H., Obergfell-Fuchs, J. and Würger, M. (2002) ‘Attitudes to Punishment: How reliable are international crime victim surveys? In: International Journal of Comparative Criminology [IJCC]. Sage/ USA. Vol 2, 2002, pp. 133 – 150. De Sitter Publication. ISSN : 1201-9607
_____,Kury, H. and Obergfell-Fuchs, J. (2002) ‘The evolution of public attitudes to punishment in Western and Eastern Europe.’ In: Roberts, J.V. and Hough, M. (eds) Changing Attitudes to Punishment, Cullompton: Willan Publishing: 93 – 114. ISBN: 1843920026 (soft) ISBN: 9781843920021 (hard).
_____ and Kury, H. (2002) Crime and Criminality in Germany. In: Levinson, D. (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Crime and Punishment. Volume 2: 784 – 791. London: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9780761922582
_____ and Kury, H. (2002) ‘Prisoner-on-prisoner violence: Victimization of young offenders in prison. Some German findings’. Criminal Justice Journal, Vol. 2(4) 411-437.
_____ (2002) Crime and Criminality in Great Britain. In: David Levinson (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Crime and Punishment. Volume 2: 801 - 808. Massachusetts/ London/ New Delhi: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9780761922582
Kury, H. and _____ (2001) ‘The changing face of Germany’s crime rate since unification’. Criminal Justice Matters (CCJS), 46 (1) 1934 – 6220.
Vagg, J. and _____ (1999) Prison Labour in England and Wales’. In: Dünkel, F. and van Zyl Smit (Eds.) Prison Labour: Salvation or Slavery? 37 – 77, Ashgate Press, Aldershot, Hants. UK/ Brookfield, Vermont, USA. Prison Labour - International Perspectives (Routledge)
Vagg, Jon and _____ (1998) ‘Prison Industries in England and Wales’. Prison Service Journal, No. 120, November 1998.
_____ and Raynolds, J. (eds.) (1996) Prison Policy and Practice: selected papers from 35 years of the Prison Service Journal. London: HM Prison Service. ISBN 0-95284413-0-4
Publications in other languages
Smartt, U. (2009) ‚Community Orders: Bewährungshilfe in England.’ (in German: ‘Community Orders: Probation in England’). Bewährungshilfe. 56. Jahr. Heft 4. Godesberg: Forum Verlag: 406 – 410. ISSN: 0405-6779.
_____(2009) ‘Alte Menschen im britischen Strafvollzug’ (in German: ‘Old people in British prisons’) Forum Strafvollzug. Heft 3/2009:127-130. ISSN 1865-1534.
_____ (2007) ‘Rehabilitation im Vollzug durch Gefangenenarbeit: internationaler Vergleich des vollzuglichen Arbeitswesens’ (in German: ‚Prisoner rehabilitation through prison labour: international comparisons of prison industries’). Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, Dezember 2007. ISSN: 03423514.
_____ (2006) ‘Das Richteramt des Magistrate im englischen Gerichtswesen’ (in German: ‘The office of magistrate in the English criminal justice system’). Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe. Heft 2. 55 Jahrg. April 2006. S.84 – 87.
Kury, H. and _____(2003) O declínio da família tradicional - Justificacoes possíveis para a delinquencia na adolescencia e para a criminalidade juvenil? (Portuguese: ‘The decline of the traditional family: possible justifications for adolescent deviance and youth crime’). In: Alberto, I, Fonseca, A.A., Albuquerque, C.P., Ferreira, A.G. and Regelo, J. (eds.) Comportamento anti-social: Escola e familia. Centro de Psicopediagogia da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 83 – 128.
Kury, H. et ____ (2003) Attitudes sur la peine: Comparaisons Internationales (in French and Greek : ‘Attitudes to Punishment: International Comparisons’ ). In: A. Manganas, Essays in Honour of Alice Yotopoulos – Marangopoulos. Panteion University Press. Vol. A, pp. 721- 749.
_____und Kury, H. (2002) ‚Gewalt an Strafgefangenen: Ergebnisse aus dem anglo-amerikanischen und deutschen Strafvollzug’ (in German ‘Violence amongst prisoners: research results from Anglo-American and German findings’). Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, Heft 6, Dezember 2002, Nr. 51, S. 323 – 339.
_____ (2002) ,Einführung in die Vollzugsprivatisierung: das britische Modell’ (in German: Introduction to Prison Privatisation: the British Model’). In: Wischka, B., Jesse, J., Klettke, W. und Schaffer, R. (2002), ‚Justizvollzug in neuen Grenzen’. Lingen: Kriminologischer Verlag, Germany: 84 - 87.
Kury, H. und Smartt, U. (2002) ‚Gewalt an Strafgefangenen : Ergebnisse aus dem anglo-amerikanischen und deutschen Strafvollzug. Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe : ZfStrVo ; für Praxis und Wissenschaft. Heft 51/6, S. 323 - 339
_____ (2001) ‘Privatisierung des Justizvollzuges – Nun auch in Deutschland?‘ (in German: ‘Privatisation of prisons – now in Germany as well?’). Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe. Heft 2, April 2001: 67 - 71, Germany.
_____ (2001) ‘Private Gefängnisse: bald auch in Deutschland?‘ (in German: ‘Will there be private jails in Germany soon?’) Neue Kriminalpolitik. Heft 4, November 2001: 8 – 10, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany:
Prisoners’ Earnings Act 1996. Assisted Senior Civil Servant, Home Office, Mr Robert Fulton, with the drafting of the bill. Presented to Parliament by Hartley Booth (Lab) as private member’s bill. Revised 2011.